Automatic SMS delivery of scores!
Automatic SMS delivery of advancement notices!
Live or scheduled texts to any team or every team!
TourneySMS provides Sports Tournaments with the best live mobile and desktop formatted ScoreBoard and Schedule service with integrated, automated text message delivery of scores and advancements to the cell phones of coaches and parents. Plus all texts are free to receive if you have SMS on your phone.
We use text messaging because it works on every phone, everywhere, without the need for wifi or smart phones so there are no App downloading challenges or connectivity hassles. And messages arrive within seconds of being sent! We also provide a web App that works on every smart phone, again no App downloading. Our service is 100% private, there is no outside advertising and you control what is sent. Parents love this service and Sponsors will help pay for it!
TourneySMS enables you to communicate by Team or by Division whenever necessary. Send a Welcome Text to all Teams, notify parents of onsite activities and vendors, text schedule updates, remind parents about your silent auction or 50/50 draw and even promote your Sponsors.
Your Sponsor will happily contribute to the cost when you can send out a text like this example:
We suggest Restaurant Sponsor texts be sent at 4 PM on Friday and/or at 5 PM on Saturday.
HUNGRY? For an awesome Team Meal or Family Meal, our Sponsor Mama’s Pizza has excellent food at great prices! RSVP now at 999-555-1212!
We suggest Retail Sponsor texts be sent about 2 PM on Friday and/or at 10 AM on Saturday.
Need tape, a stick or anything sports, Joey’s Sports has the best selection at great prices. Visit us at 1234 Main St, or call 999-555-2323!
Our service includes everything you need. You provide a team list two weeks in advance and we create a subscription page where your teams can subscribe online. Plus they can subscribe at the event directly from their cell phone. The Monday of your Tournament, you provide a Final Schedule and we post your Schedule online in both Desktop and Mobile formats. We create your user interface where all you do is enter scores and the system automatically texts out all scores to all subscribers by team and division. After round robin play is completed and you know who is advancing, change the placeholder names in the schedule to team names and the system automatically texts out advancement notices with game time and location to all subscribers by team and division.
The most common complaint about Sports Tournaments (after Officiating) comes from parents not knowing everything that’s going on. You can have awesome competition and great between game activities, but if Parents don’t know about it or don’t get scores and advancement notices on their phone, they’re out of the loop and don’t like it! Teams are entering less tournaments these days, don’t let it be yours!
Our tournament service price is just $9.75 per team with a minimum price per tournament of $299. For example, up to a 30 team tournament would cost $299, a 40 team event would cost $390, a 100 team tournament would cost $975. That includes all our set-up, the subscription process, a live schedule and ScoreBoard, live Standings, live Box Scores, all in Mobile and Desktop formats, plus all score, advancement and informational texts sent during your tournament. At the end of your tournament, we disable the platform and delete and cell phone numbers.
All text messages are sent through our special telephone number called a short code, 767638. You can unsubscribe at any time by replying STOP to any text message. Text TOURNEY to 767638 to see how fast our service is!
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